
The Display tab allows you to manage the information users see when they access your service through a shareable link. This information helps users understand your service and its requirements.

What you can edit:

  • Service Details: Name, short description, and long description.
  • Policy and Contact Information: Website URL, Terms and Conditions URL, Privacy Policy URL, Support portal URL, and Support email address.

  • Logo: Upload a logo to visually represent your service.

Saving Changes:

Click "Save" after making any edits to ensure the updated information is reflected in the shareable link.

All of the above information is displayed in a shareable link in the following way:

Benefits of Completing Information:

Providing this information helps users:

  • Gain a clear understanding of your service (name and purpose).
  • Easily access relevant resources (website, support channels).

Mobile App Users:

The information you provide will also be displayed within the mobile app when users scan your QR code or follow the shareable link.




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